• About Feedchina
  • The First Step for
    Feed to China
  • As one of the subordinate divisions of ChinaAgricultural(Beijing) Consulting Co.,Ltd. China Import Feed Registration Center(www.feedchina.net)has been focusing on the technology consulting and agency services on import feed and feed additives registration....
  • Successful Cases
  • Application of Registered License for imported feed and feed additive
  • Renewal of Registered License for imported feed and feed additive
  • Alteration of Registered License for imported feed and feed additive
  • Imported Feed Additives and Feed Additive Premix Feed Products Quarantine Access and Overseas Manufacturers Registration
  • Agriculture-Biology-Food products translation
  • Trademark registration and intellectual property right
  • Beijing head office
  • Room 706, Building A, International Financial Center, No. 87 West 3rd Ring North Road, Haidian District Beijing, China
    Miss Bonnie
  • E-mail:en@feedchina.net
  • Tel:+8610 8556 9009
  • Skype:en@feedchina.net
  • Guangdong office
  • 8/F, 618 Xingang East Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou
  • E-mail:gd@feedchina.net
  • Hong Kong office
  • Unit E3, 3/F., Wing Tat Commercial Building, 97 Bonham Strand East, Sheung Wan, Hong Kong
  • E-mail:hk@feedchina.net
  • Shandong office
  • Room 3007,No.40 Guizhou Road, Shinan District, Qingdao, Shandong Province
  • E-mail:sd@feedchina.net
  • Zhejiang office
  • Room 1035, Building A, Simo International Mansion, No.673 Gudun Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou
  • E-mail:zj@feedchina.net